Switching Cameras into PC Mode

For SP-350, SP-500UZ, SP700

For C-2040Z, C-3020Z, C-3040Z, C-3100Z, C-40Z/D-40Z, C-4000Z, C-4040Z, C-4100Z, C-5050Z, E-100RS, C-730UZ, C-740UZ, C-750UZ

For C-5060WZ

For C-700 Ultra Zoom

For D-550Z

For C-8080WZ

For D-595Z

For C-765UZ

For C-770UZ

For C-7070WZ

For FE-130

Other cameras

Unfortunately, Olympus does not publish the methods of switching to PC mode for every camera it produces. The collection of methods presented here was assembled with the help of the users of different cameras. You also have to experiment, trying methods similar to those described above. Most likely you will achieve success relatively easily. Then, please share your experience. We would be glad to add the methods for the new cameras to this list.